The River to Rail Ride bicycling event is back this year on September 14, 2024. Hosted by the Vermilion County Conservation District, the event will
have four routes starting at Kennekuk County Park with all proceeds benefiting the continued development of the Kickapoo Rail Trail. Three of the routes
will take cyclists to the Vermilion County Kickapoo Rail Trail section which includes the 1/4-mile Trestle Bridge 90 feet above the Middle Fork River.
The fourth route will stay within Kennekuk County Park, perfect for beginning cyclists and families with young children.
Registration price includes SAG stops and support along the routes, a t-shirt, and lunch.
Details about the event, including 63-mile, 37-mile, 30-mile, and 7.5-mile map routes, can be found at
Sponsorship opportunities are also available!
For questions, please contact Lara Danzl at, 217-442-1691.